Friend, happy May Day!
Today is a celebration of workers’ rights and the struggles of our
ancestors for dignity and justice. It is also a day of action.
One place we can join together to make an impact is with the Defund
Hate coalition. Right now, as members of Congress decide our country’s
budget for the coming year, we’re demanding they center racial justice
and community safety.
us: Send an email to your members of Congress on May Day, and tell
them it's time they invest in our communities.
You can read our email from March below with more details on how a
moral budget must dismantle white supremacy and defund enforcement
agencies and policies.
Towards justice, The Bend the Arc team

an email to your members of Congress today, and tell them it's time
they invest in our communities.
Last week, President Biden released his official 2024 budget
request — a direct reflection of his administration’s priorities and
values. The President’s budget showed us too many ways that
his stated values do not align with his actions, particularly when it
comes to policies that disproportionately harm Black and brown members
of our communities.
President Biden campaigned on a promise to undo inhumane
immigration policies and take bold action for racial justice. Yet on
the heels of the Biden administration reportedly considering
restarting family detention and extreme bans on asylum — harmful and
traumatic Trump-era policies — his official budget request not only
includes $800 million more for agencies like ICE and CBP, but also a
terrifying new $4.7 billion slush fund for the Department of Homeland
Security to do further harm to immigrant and border
The President also often speaks of his commitment to racial justice
and community safety, and while his budget does make some potentially
helpful investments in community violence intervention programs, this
funding still lives within enforcement — not public health — agencies.
Even worse, his budget request would put 100,000 more armed police
officers on our streets without any meaningful steps to prevent the
epidemic of police violence killing Black and brown members of our
communities — when research shows that increased policing does not
lead to a reduction in crime. In fact, it often makes things
The budget process now moves to Congress. It’s another crucial
moment to demand our elected officials cut funding from punitive and
racist enforcement programs — and instead pass a budget that helps,
not harms.
you email your members of Congress today using this easy tool and tell
them to deliver a budget that invests in our
In January, Bend the Arc sent a letter to the White House, urging
President Biden to cut funding from systems that have
disproportionately harmed Black people, Indigenous people, and people
of color for centuries.
Just last week, we delivered signatures from hundreds of Jews
and allies across the country with the exact same message.
Now, members of Congress are preparing their own budget requests
before negotiations begin. They’re hearing from their constituents and
community groups, but that doesn't mean they're getting the whole
picture. Corporate lobbyists are also working hard to influence how
Congress prioritizes its funding this year, and often members of
Congress hear more from them than from the actual people they
represent. We need Congress to hear from us — and from the people who
are impacted by injustice most directly.
an email to your senators and your representative right now to make
sure they prioritize a just, moral budget.
Now is the time to make real changes in how our government
approaches community safety. We need a federal budget that invests in
community-centered, non-carceral crisis response, and programs that
welcome immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers into our communities
instead of jailing them. We need a budget that cuts funding
for the enforcement agencies and policies shaped by centuries of white
supremacist harm.
Over the next few months, Bend the Arc staff and leaders, alongside
our movement partners, will be lobbying members of Congress to fight
for a budget that builds toward Black liberation and invests in the
freedom and power of all our communities.
When you take action today, you’ll join a chorus of voices sending
a clear message demanding greater equity and safety for all of us —
making an important statement about our collective future.
a moment to email your member of Congress, and ask them to invest in
our communities.
Towards justice,
The Bend the Arc team
Sources 1. NBC
News, Biden administration considers restarting family detention for
migrants 2. ‘Morally
Irresponsible’: Biden’s Budget Proposal Increases Funds for ICE and
CBP to Militarize, Detain, and Deport 3. The
Prison Paradox: More Incarceration Will Not Make Us