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Dear Press Freedom Supporter,
When a journalist languishes behind bars or is attacked trying to cover a protest, when the murderers of journalists go on with their lives as if they have done nothing wrong, or when governments hack the phones of journalists—and their family and friends—our right to information is at stake.

That’s why CPJ stands with journalists all over the world to ensure they can do their jobs safely and without fear of reprisal. And it’s why we hope you’ll join in supporting us on Wednesday, May 3, for the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day.

Double your Gift!

In celebration of World Press Freedom Day, a generous donor has agreed to match your donations until we reach our goal of $50,000, so you can double your impact.

Last year alone, our advocacy helped secure the early release of at least 150 journalists and helped win convictions in the murders of 12 journalists. We provided crucial financial and non-financial assistance to 548 journalists. And our safety advisories, from digital safety to covering protests, were disbursed where and when they were needed.

Help us ensure we’re able to have that kind of impact again.

With mounting crises, we have to mount a robust response to keep journalists safe. You can help us get there with a gift to CPJ today.

John D. Weis
Director of Development and Outreach 

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States