Friend...With all the uncertainty surrounding Iowa, one thing is clear -- the dramatic fall of Joe Biden.
Biden's finish around fourth place sends a signal to voters in future states that if their only reason for supporting him was electability, invincibility, or inevitability that is over. People can now feel free to vote their hearts.
At the same time, Elizabeth Warren exceeded expectations and is clearly in a 3-way race with Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders.
Another thing we saw for sure in Iowa was that Elizabeth Warren was able to grow her coalition, which is critical to winning.
Between rounds of voting in Iowa's unique caucus system, Elizabeth Warren won significant support from many people who initially voted for others. Sanders did not, showing that Warren is the bold progressive who can most unify and excite Democrats to defeat Trump.
Here's what some media had to say.
The Washington Post: "Joe Biden’s core message was electability, but the former vice president failed to consolidate support among the majority of Iowa caucus-goers who said choosing a candidate who can beat President Trump was their first priority."
FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver: "One thing that *all* the data seems to agree upon is that Sanders didn't add many voters from the 1st alignment to the 2nd alignment...Those numbers aren't a great sign for Sanders's ability to expand his coalition beyond his base."
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-- The PCCC Survey Team

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