Ephesians 3:14-15
For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name.

During May, family gatherings are happening all over the place. This time together is so precious. Every family in heaven and earth takes its name from God— in this verse, called the Father, but also known to us as Mother, Parent, and Creator. We uplift and celebrate all families, through the month-long observation of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and on International Family Equality Day on May 7th.

Each May, the incredible contributions of people from all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are honored and brought to the forefront. The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) ensures LGBTQIA+ API representation and intersectional justice can thrive everywhere.

For LGBTQIA+ people, forming and taking care of our families has always presented unique challenges. Whether looking for ways to advocate, or for resources for family building and support, Family Equality is a great place to start.

In light of Mother’s Day, I’d be remiss not to also mention the Mama Bears, which has become a mighty movement of parents who love and support LGBTQIA+ people. They extend love and grace to those who need it most, even volunteering to stand in at holidays, weddings and other life events when a person’s family of origin won’t affirm them.

My hope is that in honoring God and cherishing these relationships that give us life, we will be granted courage and energy to persist in the work ahead.
May you find yourself surrounded by May flowers and all the wonders of Spring,
Program Manager

On May 20, 2023, acclaimed author and scholar David P. Gushee will be at Threads Church, 2031 E. Cork St. Kalamazoo, MI 49001 to explore what it means to be a post-Evangelical Christian community. Gushee will lead conversation around topics like the inerrancy (or not) of Scripture, the church and sex, healthy Christian politics, the impact of white racist Christianity, and the need to recover a sense of "Jesus interpreted by Jesus."
Register to attend After Evangelicalism

June is just around the corner!

We want to know about, assist with planning, and help promote your gatherings and events during LGBTQIA+ Pride month. Resources for Room for All Sunday will become available soon, and through and beyond those celebrations, let’s celebrate our whole communities and spend time connecting with one another. Let us know how we can support you in representing Room for All at local and regional Pride events! You can add Room for All swag from ShopRFA to wear through June and beyond, and also get stickers, magnets, pins and more there to keep or share.

Visit ShopRfA

Coffee Chats with Mitch

Do you have questions, an idea you’d like help with, or simply want to talk about something happening in your world? You can sign up for a Coffee Chat with Program Manager Mitch at a time that fits your schedule! If you need more than half an hour, you can email him directly at [email protected]. We’re here for you, and always happy to catch up!

Sign up for a coffee chat

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