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Monday, May 1st, 2023


Why Tucker Carlson Had To Be Purged

Lew Rockwell

The U.S. Proxy War Against Russia & China Is Increasingly Seen Globally as a Disaster Made by American and NATO Lies

Strategic Culture

Was It Really a Good Death? Or Murder?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dismantle the Cuban Embargo

Jacob G. Hornberger

RFK Jr and the CIA

Alexandra Bruce

‘Hysterical and Aggressive’: Tucker Carlson Indicates He Was Fired for Exposing Corruption of ‘Liars’

Patrick Delaney

How America Destroyed Its Most Distinguished Living Scientist

Revolver News

Undercover Investigation Reveals Pro-Trans Doctors ‘Cashing in’ on Lifelong Patients

Tyler Durden

The Stomping Boot

Bionic Mosquito

Macron Gives “Le Doigt” to Free Speech

Jonathan Turley

The Coming World of Online Fakery

Tom Woods

Red Light Districts

Restoring Truth

Political Theatre

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