There are many reasons why chipping in before our deadline is important, but here’s what’s top of mind for me right now:  

Grassroots supporters like you are protecting free and fair elections in Georgia and across the country ahead of the 2024 election. If you’re able, will you chip in $27.13 or whatever makes sense right now before our end-of-month fundraising deadline tonight?

Chip in here:[email protected]

Right now, we’re hours away from our end-of-month fundraising deadline and the entire Fair Fight team is putting our energy into not only meeting, but exceeding, our goal.

There are many reasons why chipping in before our deadline is important, but here’s what’s top of mind for me right now: Across the country, extremist Republicans are preparing for 2024 by attempting to roll back voting rights protections and suppress the voices of voters. 

Since the 2020 election and the 2021 runoff solidified Georgia as a swing state, we can predict that it will remain on the frontline of these voter suppression attacks. Anti-democracy conspiracy theorists have doubled down on their commitment to meddling in our elections and consolidating their power.

It will take a unified coalition to fight back — and that’s the work that Fair Fight is committed to doing right now. But the amount of early support that we raise now will determine just how vigorously we can fight by the time the 2024 election really ramps up. 

So I’m asking: Can you please make a donation before our April fundraising deadline tonight to protect the freedom to vote and make sure every eligible voter can register to vote, cast a ballot, and have that ballot counted in this critical election? Here’s a personal link for you to chip in:[email protected]

Thank you so much,

Emily Laskar
Director of Development
Fair Fight