
The new and improved California Environmental Scorecard is here! For over 40 years, the California League of Conservation Voters has published our signature tool for voters to better understand how their representatives in the state legislature vote and prioritize the environment.

And as the urgency to address our climate crisis heightens, we’ve revamped the Scorecard to reflect our current reality and to be a powerful instrument for change.

Before we get to that, we need your support, now more than ever, to do our accountability work! Become a member now so we can continue producing tools to hold legislators accountable to the environment and people of California »

So what’s new in the Scorecard? Along with your legislator’s main voting score, we’ve included an overall California score (spoiler: California barely got a 'C'!), a Climate Action Caucus for our standout leaders, a Polluter Caucus for leaders who’ve stalled or halted our progress, and an overall score for the state senate and state house.

Our lawmakers must step up their leadership across the board. The Trump administration has declared war on our environmental protections, and California’s leadership is critical in this fight. That’s why our California Environmental Scorecard is so important. We go beyond broad pats on the back- we’re lifting up champions who are driving our climate agenda, and holding those who aren’t accountable. 

We need your support to do our work. Become a member now so we can continue bolster California’s environmental leadership in the face of Trump’s attacks!


New Members: 0/500 (as of 9am on 2/1/2020)

We’re trying something we’ve never tried before with a membership drive: We need 500 new members by the 2020 March primary!

We’re a long way from reaching our goal! Can you help us be 500 more members strong?!? Become a member today!!!

With only 10 years left to meet our 2030 climate goals and make the necessary changes to stop the worst of the effects of the climate crisis, CLCV’s work, like the Scorecard, is more imperative than ever before.

It’s on us to hold our legislators accountable. We hope you will join us in this fight, by supporting our accountability efforts with a generous donation. Let’s tell our lawmakers we want California to get an “A” on climate action in 2020.

Thank you for standing up for the environment,

Jennifer Molina
Director of Communications 
California League of Conservation Voters



We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change. We elect and cultivate environmental champions, turn election victories into policy wins, hold our lawmakers accountable, and build political power for change. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.