Hi John — we wanted to make sure you saw Chellie's email from earlier today.

With our economy on the brink, Republicans are threatening to throw America into default just so they can slash billions from programs like Medicaid, food assistance, and investments to combat the climate crisis.

That's along with their plans to ban abortion, silence the LGBTQ community, strip away our voting rights, put more guns in our schools, and destroy our democracy.

It's a dangerous and cruel agenda — and Chellie isn't going to stand for it.

We have a big April fundraising deadline at midnight tonight, and we're still a little shy of our goal. Will you chip in right now to help re-elect Chellie and help her fight to take back Congress?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chellie Pingree
Date: Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 12:16 PM
Subject: Republicans are holding us hostage


It's no secret that the Republican agenda is cruel and dangerous — but what they did this past week put it on full display.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his gang of MAGA extremists are holding our economy hostage to extract MASSIVE cuts to critical programs that help the most vulnerable Americans — just so the U.S. government can pay its bills.

The result if Democrats don't blink? America could default on its obligations for the first time in history, throwing the global economy into disarray — a cataclysmic event that would toss millions out of work and tank our economy. Even this game of chicken itself could have devastating consequences.

This is certainly not how to govern, but this is what happens when Republicans are in charge.

That's why we need to keep our seat blue, elect Democrats across the country to take back Congress, and prevent this chaos from happening ever again. We have a critical end-of-month deadline tonight, and we need your help.

Can I count on your support right now before midnight to help us hit our $5,000 April grassroots goal?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for everything you do.


Contribute >>


Chellie Pingree is a progressive Democrat representing Maine's First Congressional District in Congress. She is an outspoken advocate for women's reproductive rights, universal health care, reforming our food system against corporate greed, fighting for equality and against injustice, addressing the climate crisis, ending Citizens United, and protecting seniors, veterans, and America's working families.

If you'd like to make an online contribution to Chellie's campaign, please click here. If you'd like to donate by mail, please send your contribution to:

Pingree for Congress
PO Box 17613
Portland, ME 04112

Our campaign has always been built on progressive grassroots supporters from across the country, and email is an important way to stay in touch. If we're going to reform our political system, we need to ensure progressives like Chellie remain in Congress to stand up for us. If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here: unsubscribe.

Paid for by Pingree for Congress