Angela Alsobrooks, County Executive, Prince George's County logo

The Federal Government is deciding where to build the new FBI headquartersfolks, and I’m making the case for Prince George’s County.

There are several reasons why our county is being considered, and why I believe we should be chosen — equity in federal spending, our ready-made infrastructure, and the fact that while it would cost millions in taxpayer dollars to be built elsewhere, our proposed sites are ready to go now.

We’ve made our pitch, but I’m not one to leave things to chance. That’s why I need your help, folks.

My team put together a petition calling for the new FBI headquarters to be built right here in Prince George’s County, and I’m hoping you’ll add your name. If we can get 1,000 signatures to show the project has grassroots support, I’m confident we’ll win.

Sign the Petition >>

Building the FBI headquarters in Maryland makes both economic and geographic sense, friends. And maybe more importantly, it’s a matter of equity.

Where the government chooses to locate federal agencies has a massive economic impact on the community and can have generational consequences for our region. We are home to the largest, most prosperous community of color in the nation, but oftentimes compared to Virginia we’re at the back of the line.

Selecting our county for the new FBI headquarters makes sense fiscally, but it’s also the right thing to do. Will you add your name to the petition right now?

Add Your Name >>

Thank you, team.


Angela Alsobrooks

County Executive

Prince George’s County

By Authority: Friends of Angela D. Alsobrooks, Kimberly Seymour, Treasurer

Friends of Angela Alsobrooks
P.O. Box 6058
Largo MD 20792 United States