This is a busy week, John --

Between tonight’s State of the Union address, the presidential primary officially kicking off, and everything in between, we felt like this was a good moment to take a deep breath and check in with grassroots Democrats like you. 

So, we’re launching our February issues survey a little earlier than usual -- and we want to hear from you: 

Can you take our short survey? This is really important. We need your feedback to inform our priorities and understand your feelings as we get deeper into the 2020 elections.

take our survey

Our survey covers a number of important questions: 

  • Your top issues for 2020 and beyond 
  • Whether or not you approve of Trump as president
  • Which Democratic candidate you support in the primary 
  • And more! 

We’ve accomplished a lot in the last year toward our mission of taking back the Senate from the Republicans -- but there’s a lot more to do and your feedback will help inform our decisions in the weeks ahead. 

Take our official issues survey to share your priorities as we continue to work together to Flip the Senate in 2020.

Thanks in advance!

— Flip the Senate 

take our survey