Friend —
There are 73 million kids in the United States. That’s 73 million kids who don’t have a voice in the halls of our nation’s Capitol.
Today, everything from healthcare to education to how far our kids can go in life is more determined by their zip code than their genetic code. And that’s because they don’t have lawyers or lobbyists or super PACs standing up for them.
Earlier this month, we started Their Future. Our Vote. to change just that. We’re already pounding the pavement in Washington, D.C., advocating for our kids’ futures and building awareness of our mission through meetings with members of Congress and other leaders in child advocacy.
We have big plans, but as a brand-new organization, an influx of early funding is critical to our success. The first big test is tonight and we need to raise $10,000 to hit our April budget goal. Will you support Annie’s new organization by chipping in $10 right now?
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately.
Our planet is warming, voting rights are under attack, and our kids can’t even go to school without fear of being shot.
If you care about kids, then it's time to get off the sidelines. Because America's children deserve a better future than the one they’re being given right now.
Can we count on you to invest in our children’s future?
— Their Future. Our Vote.