URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Stop the 2,400-ACRE, MEGA-POLLUTING petrochemical factory in CANCER ALLEY before it’s built! Act now!
We can’t trust the company that wants to build this plant, Friend. In the past, Formosa Plastics had to pay MILLIONS in fines for injuring workers and endangering public health after a series of EXPLOSIONS, FIRES, and TOXIC CHEMICAL RELEASES at its plant in Texas.
Now, Formosa Plastics wants to build a new MONSTROUS petrochemical factory that would release so much pollution that it’s not even allowed to operate in Taiwan, where its headquarters are located.
Formosa can’t be trusted in Texas. Formosa can’t be trusted in Taiwan. Formosa DEFINITELY CAN’T BE TRUSTED in Cancer Alley, where hundreds of thousands of Louisianans already suffer from 200+ existing toxic facilities.
But JP Morgan Chase, the largest bank in the U.S., might trust Formosa enough to support the factory, inviting TOXIC WASTE and POLLUTION into this predominately Black community. This dirty project NEEDS backing from financial institutions like Chase -- you can help make sure that doesn’t happen. Friend, will you demand Chase Bank OPPOSES putting another toxic plant in Cancer Alley? We need 1,938 more signatures by 11:59 pm TONIGHT! >>
The greed of companies like Formosa Plastics is taking a heavy toll on our communities, wildlife, and the entire planet. Rampant plastics production and pollution is contaminating our air, food, and water with microplastics. The average person consumes a CREDIT CARD-SIZED amount of plastic every week!
Our oceans are hurting too. Drifting plastic can end up in fish stomachs, entangle whales, or even CHOKE UNSUSPECTING ANIMALS TO DEATH, like sea turtles. Scientists estimate there could be MORE PLASTIC THAN FISH in the ocean by 2050.
The plastic apocalypse is getting worse, Friend. And communities like those in Cancer Alley are ground zero, feeling the impacts first and the worst. That’s why it’s absolutely critical we STOP the proposed Formosa Plastics plant before it’s too late. Demanding Chase leave Formosa Plastics high and dry is one way YOU can help. Please, Friend, don’t let Cancer Alley face more toxic pollution!
Standing with you,
Marcie Keever
Oceans and vessels program director,
Friends of the Earth