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Liz WillenDear reader,
With all eyes on the presidential caucuses in Iowa this week, we bring you a view from inside the classroom: a look at the Iowa’s growing immigrant student population. Iowa is a state that is 18 percent whiter than the country as a whole, but Hechinger’s Lillian Mongeau writes about the sizeable growth in the numbers of children from Central America, Mexico and Africa.
This week, we also take you to a remote corner of Appalachia, where a preschool on wheels is changing life for poor children. And in a new column, I consider the many obstacles students from low-income backgrounds face when it comes to college admissions, along with some ideas for improving their chances. We welcome your ideas.

Liz Willen, Editor
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Main Idea 

Diverse future of the Midwest has already arrived in one Iowa school district

Sioux City, Iowa, is an oasis of diversity in the state that votes first in presidential primaries; school leaders here set politics aside to serve immigrant students.
Reading List 

When the bus is the schoolhouse

In a remote region of Appalachia, a preschool on wheels offers a vehicle to improved life outcomes for young children and their families.

After ‘Varsity Blues’ scandal, lots of talk about overhauling college admissions. Will there be action? 

Gathering at USC dreams big, but many poor students will still be left behind

The science of talking in class 

Studies suggest how to guide students for productive discussions and group work.

OPINION: U.S. Supreme Court tax-credit decision won’t change much in terms of public-school spending requirements 

Lawmakers are better at deciding that we must go somewhere, such as school, than at delivering the things we want when we arrive — such as success.

OPINION: Should plaintiffs in a U.S. Supreme Court ruling about school choice be careful what they wish for? 

How the impacts of a decision on Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue could differ from expectations.
"Books behind bars: Pilot Pell Grant program helps inmates look toward the future," The Connecticut Mirror

"High School Starts At 3 p.m. For These Michigan Students," NPR

This week’s solutions section came from SolutionsU powered by Solutions Journalism Network and their database of solutions journalism. Search for more solutions.
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