White Coat Waste Project
We’re running out of time. As you’re reading this, 28 MORE dogs are in peril.
And if we don’t act by April 30, over two dozen beagle puppies could suffer and die just because of a pointless government regulation.
BREAKING INVESTIGATION: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is TOTALLY out of control. It isn’t content with just making corporations kill dogs to get new pharmaceuticals approved. Now, it’s forcing other agencies inside the federal government to GAS, SLAUGHTER, and even BLIND small beagle puppies!
And that’s not even the worst of it, Taxpayer.
In another “study” funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the FDA forced sadistic white coats to purposely cause heart failure in 28 dogs.
This same experiment is up for renewal on April 30!
This means that if you and I don’t act immediately, even more of your tax dollars will be wasted funding the senseless murder of innocent dogs.
Taxpayer, as you may know, the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) was the first to expose that a pointless, 80-year-old FDA regulation forces private drug companies to torture 20,000 beagles each year without pain relief or anesthesia— even when the industry doesn’t want to.
But turns out, this wasteful and deadly FDA red tape extends far beyond the private sector…
Our investigators discovered that government white coats at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), and other NIH Institutes are now torturing beagles too— for no reason other than to satisfy the SAME FDA mandate!
And now, on April 30, the FDA will force even MORE of these kinds of experiments— and they’ll use YOUR tax dollars to do it!
Taxpayer, FDA’s dog testing requirement is incredibly cruel AND a massive waste of taxpayer dollars.
The government itself admits:
Despite all of this, the FDA continues to mandate other government agencies like NIH conduct maximum-pain dog tests.
Taxpayer, how are we supposed to end dog testing across the federal government, if it’s REQUIRED by the federal government?!
The short answer is, we can’t. That’s why abolishing FDA’s dog testing regulation is so important.
Taxpayer: the most effective way to end a government experiment is to cut off the funding BEFORE it’s renewed. We know because we’ve done it before.
After you donated to our recent rapid response campaign, we successfully shut down ALL painful dog experiments at the Department of Veterans Affairs— including very similar cardiac failure tests on beagles!
But we’re running out of time to help save 28 puppies and prevent ANOTHER wave of deadly heart attack experiments.
Our new FDA Red Tape Relief Fund will ensure we have the resources to get the job done.
28 puppies. 1 piece of red tape.
Let’s get it done,
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Mackie Burr White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Taxpayer, this is a HARD GOVERNMENT DEADLINE: The FDA isn’t just forcing private companies to abuse dogs. It's also forcing the government itself to gas, poison and even BLIND poor beagles! Our new Red Tape Relief Fund will end this. But we need to act fast because they’re about to RAM THROUGH a new round of heart attack experiments on 28 puppies. Will you send help before the April 30 deadline?
EMERGENCY UPDATE FOR Taxpayer: our top investigators just uncovered unmistakable evidence that the FDA is FORCING other government agencies to blind, gas, and kill puppies. Right now, they’re about to fund a new round of these experiments! Without an overwhelming grassroots response, 28 more beagle puppies may suffer and die. Read below and take immediate action! To receive fewer emails, please adjust your preferences.
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