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Weekend Edition, April 29-30, 2023


The Crime of ‘Talking to Tucker Carlson’

Dr Naomi Wolf

De-Dollarization Kicks Into High Gear

Pepe Escobar

It’s a Good Thing for Ordinary Americans If the US Loses Reserve Currency Status

Ryan McMaken

Tuck Tuck, Go: Tucker Carlson Cancelled

Donald Jeffries

Another Firing

Tom Woods

The Compliant and Obedient Are Freedom’s Cancer

Gary D. Barnett

On War and Wars

James Howard Kunstler

Cash and the Collapse- The Debt Based Monetary System Is Dying Before Our Eyes

Milan Adams

All Empires Are Mortal, the ‘American Empire,’ Too

Thierry Meyssan

The Pentagon Goes ‘Freedom Fries’ Mode on Tucker Carlson

Jordan Schachtel

Statist Intervention – The Consequences

Alasdair Macleod

Ukraine Peace Deal or Nuclear War? Art of War = Deception

Helena Glass

Political Theatre

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