In 8 hours, Donald Trump will give his fourth State of the Union. And just like the previous three, all you’re going to hear is bigotry, hatred, and lies.
I think it’s obvious to most Americans that our union has been damaged by the Trump presidency. There is a humanitarian crisis at our border, families have been separated, environmental protections are crumbling, reproductive rights are under attack -- the list goes on and on.
Greed and corruption are at the steering wheel in the White House, but it doesn’t have to be this way. We need to get our country back on track.
As we’ve seen throughout the impeachment process, the Republicans have made it clear that they’re never going to stand up to the president. That means it’s up to us to not only vote Trump out, but also vote out the members of Congress who support him. By chipping in today, you can help make sure that’s exactly what happens.