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Dear friend,

Between events in Delaware and important votes in Washington, it’s been a very busy and very engaging week! Keep reading to see what I’ve been up to.

Engaging with Delaware's Students at the Delegation Youth Conference


On Monday, Senator Carper, Senator Coons, and I hosted the Delaware Congressional Delegation Youth Conference in Dover. 140 smart, talented, and driven students from schools across the state came out to engage with us about important issues such as gun violence prevention, combatting climate change, and protecting LGBTQI+ rights. We also participated in a community service project with the students - and reinforced my belief that with their leadership, our future remains bright.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester talks with Delaware Military Academy students at the Delegation Youth Conference.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, Senator Chris Coons, and Senator Tom Carper with the students who attended the Delegation Youth Conference.

Announcing Federal Funding for Delaware State University

On Monday, I joined Senator Tom Carper and Senator Chris Coons as well as Delaware State University President Tony Allen to announce $1.6 million in funding for three projects at Delaware State University. The projects include a mentoring program for young Black high-school age males to assist with career development, a Space Center to further space education, and an agriculture incubator module to encourage and educate young farmers. These projects are about preparing folks for their futures while investing in our collective future — in education, agriculture and space.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester gives remarks at the press conference.

While in Washington...

Debt Limit Vote


On Wednesday, Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans pushed through a bill that would tie the debt ceiling to disastrous cuts to federal programs Delawareans rely on including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food assistance, veterans supports and more. Their plan puts us no closer to responsibly paying our bills and avoiding a calamitous and self-inflicted default. 


I voted no on this incredibly harmful and short-sighted measure. This isn’t the time to play with the full faith and credit of the United States but to be responsible and put a clean debt ceiling bill on the floor - which I would vote to pass, just as I did three times under President Trump.


Because this bill is so extreme and doesn’t address the issue at hand, it has no chance of passing the Senate.

Introduction of the Clean Slate Act

This week - during National Reentry Week and Second Chance Month, I introduced my bipartisan bill called the Clean Slate Act with my Republican colleague Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina. This legislation would automatically seal the federal records of those convicted of low-level, nonviolent drug offenses after they successfully complete their sentence giving them a clean slate and a second chance. As a co-chair of the Bipartisan Second Chance Task Force, the Clean Slate Act has been one of my top priorities throughout my time in Congress. Our bill has been a model for states like Delaware (passed in 2021) and it is my hope that Congress will pass this legislation at the federal level. 

This bill is also one of the seven bills included in my JOBS Agenda which I unveiled earlier this month. And as we continue to face workforce shortages impacting industries across the country and our economy, it’s never been more important to do all we can to create equitable economic opportunity for all. To read more about the Clean Slate Act, click here


I had the opportunity to welcome several groups and advocates to my Washington, DC office this week including the Delaware River & Bay Authority (DRBA), the Alliance for Childhood Cancer, and Easterseals Delaware.

With the DRBA, we discussed potential funding opportunities for the organization through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester listens in a meeting with the Delaware River & Bay Authority’s Executive Director Tom Cook, Deputy Executive Director Steve Williams, and Chief Operations Officer Vince Meconi.

The advocates from the Alliance for Childhood Cancer, including Joe Mcdonough from the B+ Foundation, shared with me their stories about how pediatric cancer has impacted their lives. I was inspired by how they are turning their pain into purpose - and, as a member of the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus, I reiterated my support of their efforts to end childhood cancer.

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester and advocates from the Alliance for Childhood Cancer including Julie Brewer, George Huhhn, Anton Usdin, and Joe McDonough.

I also met with Verna Wilkins Hensley and her daughter - and my good friend - Jules Hensely to talk about how Congress can support Easterseals in its mission to help people with disabilities lead independent lives. 

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester takes a photo with Verna Wilkins Hensley, Jules Hensley, and Kenan Sklenar.



As a member of the Regional Leadership Council, where I am helping lead the implementation and communication of the historic pieces of legislation passed last Congress, I want to make sure Delawareans are informed about grant opportunities for organizations, state and local governments, nonprofits, and others. Please see a few that are now available:

For this week's constituent corner, I want to highlight an important figure in Delaware history who was honored this week - Smyrna Mayor George C. Wright. On Saturday, I attended a statue unveiling of Mayor Wright who was the first Black Smyrna Town Council member and the first Black mayor in the history of the State of Delaware. Having known Mayor Wright through my father, former Wilmington City Council President Ted Blunt and their work at the League of Local Governments, I can tell you that he truly was a man of courage, conviction, and community. I’m so proud that his legacy and his impact will be honored in this way in large part because of the efforts of his family and of the Delaware General Assembly — particularly State Senator Darius Brown who secured the funding for this statue.


It will be a reminder to all of us that are doing the work now and an inspiration to people across our state. 

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester stands in front of the new statue of Smyrna Mayor George C. Wright.

Lastly, it’s National Library Week so I want to shout out all of Delaware’s incredible public libraries that provide assistance to so many – from books and internet access to employment services and health care, libraries are pillars of our communities that must be invested in and treasured. And to all library workers - thank you for all you do!

Above: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, Statewide Social Innovator for Delaware Libraries Alta M. Porterfield, and State Librarian Dr. Annie Norman in front of a telehealth kiosk Blunt Rochester helped secure federal funding for at the Laurel Public Library.

Yours in service,

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester signature image

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester

Member of Congress

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