John, bold Democratic women are leading the fight for the direction of our country – and they're looking to Emerge for the training and support they need to succeed. But our end-of-month membership deadline is tomorrow night and we’re falling behind on our goal!
That’s why former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is personally reaching out with an important request:
Will you answer Hillary Clinton’s call-to-action and make your membership gift to Emerge right now?
To date, Emerge has trained more than 5,500 Democratic women to blaze new trails in politics from school boards to the U.S. Congress. Over 1,200 are in office fighting for our communities right now! But we must expand our ranks of bold women leaders to power our movement forward and defeat the far-right’s anti-voter, anti-woman, and anti-justice agenda. That's why we can't afford to miss this crucial goal.
So please, John: Will you donate $10 or more now, in advance of our end-of-month deadline, to empower Democratic women to run, win, and lead in every state?
If you've saved your information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately.
Team Emerge
P.S. Our 2023 Annual Luncheon will take place in-person and virtually on May 12, 2023. Please, make a contribution of $25 or more to receive a free link to the live stream! Here's the best link: emerge/donate.org.