BREAKING NEWS: The North Carolina Supreme Court has just decided that partisan gerrymandering is NOT illegal.
Let’s call this what it is: a blatant attempt to silence voters to preserve a Republican majority in the state legislature – despite what the residents of North Carolina actually want.
This is an attack on free and fair elections. And if they succeed in North Carolina, you can bet we’ll see many more attempts at overt partisan gerrymandering throughout the country.
Common Cause won’t just stand by and let this happen.
Common Cause North Carolina was the group that brought the initial case to stop partisan gerrymandering in NC in the first place after lawmakers rigged legislative and Congressional maps to give Republicans an edge – at the disproportionate expense of Black voters.
When we first brought the case against NC last year, the court ruled in our favor and created a congressional map that gave Republicans and Democrats an even chance of electing their representatives.
Now, in an unprecedented reversal of that decision, the North Carolina Supreme Court has shown an utter disregard for the people of North Carolina and their right to fair representation.
As I write, Common Cause’s team is preparing to push back on this decision. Make no mistake: We’re going to do everything within our power to protect voters’ right to choose.
Let’s not forget how high the stakes are – how district lines are drawn could make all the difference in whether we have a functional government or an authoritarian state. Frighteningly, the winner of future elections could come down to who does a better job of manipulating district lines.
That’s not how we decide things in a democracy, John, and Common Cause is your voice in court to STOP these shameful attempts to silence voters.
John, when I think about what it would mean if we left our elections up to partisan political insiders, I know that we can’t give anything short of 100%. I know you understand the gravity of this problem more than most, and I’m hoping you’ll do whatever it takes to fight back.
Your action now will ensure Common Cause’s team is prepared for this high-profile, high-impact redistricting fight. Can you rush your contribution of $3 or more and support our END Gerrymandering Action Fund today?
Right now, the idea that every vote should count and every voice should matter has come under major attack from partisan operatives. Rather than trying to appeal to a majority of Americans, they’ve demonstrated they’d rather cheat to lock in permanent minority rule.
You and I can’t let that happen, John, and I’m glad to know you’re with us in this critical effort.
Thank you,
Kathay Feng, Vice President of Programs
and the team at Common Cause