Going toe-to-toe with the wealthy and powerful in this country is not easy.

Ilhan for Congress

Hey team, it's Ilhan.

In moments like these, I like to be as direct as possible: Can I count on you to make your first $3 contribution to our re-election campaign for Congress today?

Let me explain:

Tomorrow at midnight, we're closing the books on our April fundraising, and we have some important goals to reach before then. Goals that we need to hit if we're going to have the resources to fund a successful campaign.

Last year, our movement went up against MILLIONS of dollars in outside spending from the political establishment, from dark money super PACs, and from corporate special interests. Together, we overcame the attacks and the people of Minnesota's 5th district re-elected me to serve my third term.

Like all of my campaigns before it, it was the small-dollar, grassroots support of folks like you that made it possible for that to happen.

Here's a simple fact: Going toe-to-toe with the wealthy and powerful in this country is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work, and nobody can do it all alone.

I knew from the day I launched my first campaign that so long as I stuck to my values and kept fighting for working people, our opponents would do and spend whatever it took to defeat us.

If we're going to stand strong and win again — against endless attacks, bigoted threats, and millions of dollars in outside spending — it's critical that we're in this together. So please:

Can you make a contribution — of $3 or anything you can — before tomorrow's end-of-month fundraising deadline? The only way we'll do this is together.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

As always, thank you for everything. Not just for your financial support, but for your passion, your encouragement, and for all that you bring to our movement's fight for justice.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033