From Kansas Republican Party <>
Subject KSGOP Friday File
Date April 29, 2023 1:15 PM
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** Friday File

** Local Office Candidates Wanted

The KSGOP has been busy working with Republican County Party officials across Kansas recruiting candidates for local school governing boards and city council seats.

We have many candidates from across Kansas already recruited and signed up to run for local office.

If you or someone you know would like to explore the possibility of running for office, contact your county Republican office or the KSGOP!

The filing deadline for local office is June 1, 2023.

Let's have a private conversation and assess if running for office is right for you.

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to Join Now
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** Veto Session in Topeka

The Kansas Legislature Veto Session presented some good news, a couple of surprises and some disappointments too.

The short story so far is this: losers this session were taxpayers, gun safety and voters among others and the winners were life, kids, females, minors on overnight school trips and parents.

This is a developing story and we will provide a complete wrap up next week.
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** Citizen Activist Introduces Bill, Creates Kansas Law

Melissa Campbell, Olathe, saw an injustice and, in a relentless pursuit of children's safety, wrote a bill that became Kansas law this week.

A young woman, participating in a school-related international trip, arrived in a foreign country and was told she would be sharing a room and a bed with a biological male who identifies as a female. After a discussion about her concerns she was informed no action would be taken. She slept on the floor of the hotel room in fear after adults who were there to protect her completely failed. Here is Melissa’s story about using legislation in righting a wrong and the power of persistence.

After hearing of an egregious situation in which a female student from Eudora HS was forced to share a bed (not just a room!) with a biological male on a week-long school sanctioned trip, it was something I knew I couldn’t ignore. Having earned and saved money for two years to pay for the trip, once a thousand miles out of the country, the young lady learned that she was assigned to share a bed with a biological male who identifies as female. The student expressed her discomfort with the assignment to one of the adult trip sponsors whose only response was a cold and dismissive, “Deal with it.”

We know activist adults are pervasively pushing acceptance of transgender ideologies to the detriment of all students. A local official familiar with this situation who had been unsuccessful in addressing it locally worked with me to compose a bill that would require school districts adopt a policy regarding the separation of each biological sex on overnight school travel. In a day and age where we see more young people struggling with body dysmorphia, our public schools need clear legal expectations to protect the safety and privacy of ALL children, not just a vocal minority.

Working with a Capitol legal revisor, we were able to craft a piece of legislation to do just that! The bill was introduced in the Federal and State Affairs committee in both the House and the Senate, then read on the floor of both chambers and assigned to the respective Education committees (originally HB 2427 and SB 255). Sadly, it sat untouched for weeks, but was ultimately granted hearings. I assembled a dream team of intelligent women to testify in both Chambers, laying out the story behind the bill’s intent and emphasizing the importance of passing such protections in Kansas. Not surprisingly, the KASB, KNEA, and Superintendent Association of Kansas all testified against this measure.

The last day for bills to be voted out of committee, and despite all challenges, the bill was passed out of both committees, put into a conference report, and ultimately voted into law on April 27, surviving liberal Governor Kelly’s veto with an impressive 85-39 and 30-9 voting record.

** Kansas Presidential Primary Date Set for March 19, 2024

Note: this story is being included again this week because of an error by Mike Brown in the same story last week. I do this weekly update, which takes about 4 hours to produce, as a self-assigned part of my responsibilities as KSGOP Chairman to keep you informed. I am not required to do this, and to my knowledge, no previous Chairman has ever communicated in this robust fashion. This letter is written and produced 100% by me. I’ve never claimed to be perfect, and my daily mistakes will continue.

Kansans will participate in a Presidential Primary on March 19, 2024. The KSGOP was supportive of this legislation, and KSGOP Chairman Mike Brown would like to thank Kansas Speaker of the House Dan Hawkins, Kansas House Majority Leader Chris Croft, Kansas Senate President Ty Masterson, Kansas Senate Majority Leader Larry Alley, and Kansas Republican Second Congressional District Chairman Eric Rucker for their leadership on this incredible effort and outcome.

Because Kansas Republicans will no longer be putting on a labor-intensive party-driven caucus, Republicans across Kansas will now focus on campaigning and electing Republicans.

“The Kansas Republican Party looks forward to a much higher participation rate in the primary process. We welcome and encourage Presidential candidates to visit Kansas voters right here in the heartland to earn their votes,” said KSGOP Chairman Brown. “This puts Kansas back in the national political spotlight and enfranchises voters by making voting locations closer to them and easier to access. That’s a big win for all of us.”
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Paid for by Kansas Republican Party

Mike Brown, Chairman Alan Townsend, Treasurer

If you would prefer to mail your donation, please send a check to KSGOP and include your full name, occupation, and employer. KSGOP P.O. Box 4157 Topeka, KS 66604

Contributions to the Kansas Republican Party are not deductible charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

The Kansas Republican Party is dedicated to strengthening our Republican majorities in Topeka and Washington D.C. and electing Republicans statewide.

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