Cox in New York Post:

What's left out of Hochul's Budget

NYGOP Chair Ed Cox joined a panel of experts in today's New York Post, weighing in on Kathy Hochul's budget, which bans gas stoves, hikes taxes and betrays charter schools:

What's Left Out, by Ed Cox

What’s worse than “three men in a room?”

Three Democrats in a room, two of whom have supermajorities, rendering the third, Gov. Hochul, weaker than she already is. 

Needed: full debate of the proposed budget in the committees and on the floors of the Legislature. 

New York is the only state with major deposits of frackable shale not producing natural gas.

Needed: under a solid regulatory regime, full production of natural gas in New York State. 

Illegal pot shops, now 1,400 and growing, all dealing in cash and subject to dangerous unreported robberies.

Needed: a workable law thoroughly vetted by the Legislature and the public. 

Unsafe streets are killing our major cities, and New York City is no exception.

Needed: major commonsense changes in the “raise the age,” discovery processes and bail provisions of New York’s criminal laws. 

Oppressive taxes and regulations and a budget twice the size of Florida’s despite 2 million fewer residents have continued to drive citizens away, with the result that last year, the tide of New Yorkers leaving continued to rise to more than 200,000.

Needed: tax cuts and regulatory reforms. 

Needed generally: more jobs, safe streets and better schools. 

That’s the way to save our state — and the governor’s budget delivers none of it. 

Read the full piece here:

Post experts give their unvarnished view on Hochul’s $229 billion boondoggle