From Douglas Carswell <>
Subject Renewing American Patriotism + meeting Tucker Carlson
Date April 29, 2023 12:46 PM
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Dear Jack,

Soon after I arrived in America, I watched my first-ever game of football. It wasn’t the NFL or even a college game. It was a local high school football game on a Friday night. Raised playing cricket and rugby, I didn’t even know the rules of the football game I was about to watch.

Right before the game began, the crowd rose to sing The Star-Spangled Banner and declare the Pledge of Allegiance. I was so new to your country I did not know the words of either back then. But I did know I was witnessing something special: a display of authentic, uncomplicated patriotism.

I need your help to defend these values – and I explain the action we are taking in our latest mailing, which you can click on below.
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I have learned so much about America since moving here. But the most important lesson I have drawn is that American values are precious—and worth preserving. Take it from me as an outsider, there really is no country in the world like the United States.

To renew American patriotism, we need to reach the rising generation of young Americans. For far too long, progressive academics have been indoctrinating young Americans. Instead of being taught to see themselves as individual citizens of a proud republic, young Americans have been taught to define themselves in terms of race or gender.

The mainstream media promotes the idea that the United States is always in the wrong. Heroic figures from America’s past are vilified for not having the exact same views as those on college campuses today.

Enough is enough. We need to fight back – and here’s how.
* Combating Critical Race theory: Last year we led the campaign for a law to combat Critical Race theory. No longer is it lawful in our state to use public money in the classroom to divide America. Other states are now following our example.
* Mississippi Leadership Academy: Laws are not enough. We need to inspire the next generation of American leaders to think about the United States the way I do. That is why we now run the Mississippi Leadership Academy, inspiring young people in our state to become part of the liberty movement.

An antidote to progressive ideology, our Leadership Academy teaches young Mississippians about Life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness, the principles of a free society and the morality of the free market. It equips young people to be agents for change, including training so that they can make the case on campus.

I have never been more excited about what we can accomplish than I am today. If we scale up this initiative—and others like it around the country—we can win!
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Warm regards,
Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. Meeting Tucker Carlson. Right before he left Fox, I ran into Tucker - one of the most articulate conservatives there is. Let’s hope we have not seen or heard the last of him. America needs you, Tucker!
Meeting Tucker Carlson last week

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