"Trump Administration Unveils a Major Shift in Medicaid"
"States will be able to cap a portion of spending for the safety-net program, a change likely to diminish the number of people receiving health benefits through it."
-- The New York Times, 1/3/2020

Join Dr. Kim Schrier in telling President Trump: "Don't gut Medicaid!"


Last week, the Trump administration announced its latest plan to try and roll back health care coverage, this time by attacking Medicaid.

The changes would allow states to implement a spending cap for Medicaid, putting health care at risk for the 17 million Americans who acquired Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act expansion. This is unacceptable -- we should be expanding access to health care coverage, not taking it away from the people who need it the most.

If you agree that we must stand up against the Trump administration's attacks on Medicaid, add your name right now.

As the only female doctor in the House, Kim knows firsthand how important access to quality, affordable health care is. No family should be denied access to the care they need simply because of their income.

In Congress, Kim is working tirelessly to make sure all families of WA-08 have access to health care benefits, and now, she's ready to fight back against the Trump administration's proposed changes to Medicaid. But first, she wants to hear from you:

Join Dr. Kim Schrier and call on the Trump Administration to stop trying to dismantle Medicaid expansion.


Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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