Dear Friend,
In recent years, incidents have soared of airline passengers viewing hardcore pornography on their personal devices in tight, closed quarters, leaving fellow passengers and flight crew feeling unsafe, emotionally triggered, and victim to sexual harassment.
Many reports expressed that United Airlines’ flight attendants appeared to be particularly ill-suited for these situations. From ignoring complaints to laughing at traumatized passengers to simply offering free dinners to victims of in-flight sexual harassment, it was clear that United Airlines had a significant problem that was going unadressed. As a result, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation listed United Airlines on the 2019 Dirty Dozen List.
Your voice makes a difference!
This victory is especially exciting as we are all set to unveil the
2020 Dirty Dozen List on Thursday, February 6 at 10:00 AM EST. We hope you'll tune in for the live launch event and join us in taking action against sexually exploitative entities with the confidence that your advocacy is making an incredible difference.
More positive change is right around the corner!