Frank Mrvan for Congress

Dear John, I have a personal request: Can you pitch in $5 or any amount ahead of Sunday’s end-of-month fundraising deadline? I’ll share why this is important in a moment.

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I have focused my time representing Indiana’s First District on delivering results for Northwest Indiana — from the American Rescue Plan, which helped reopen our economy, support schools and first responders, and establish a national vaccination plan, to the Inflation Reduction Act, which lowers prescription drug prices and strengthens our economy.

But the Republican House Majority has focused their first few months on taking away benefits instead of delivering — passing a debt ceiling bill that would cut nutrition services, healthcare, and investments in infrastructure. This is on top of threats to severely reduce critical programs like Medicare and Social Security.

I am determined to win re-election and help take back the House. But Republicans have added IN-01 to their target list for 2024 and have pledged to spend heavily to try to stop our progress.

Can you help fight back? Please chip in any amount before my campaign’s end-of-month deadline:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,
