From Ellie Smeal <[email protected]>
Date April 28, 2023 8:11 PM
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John xxxxxx

I wanted to immediately rush you news of yesterday’s vote on the ERA in the U.S. Senate.

With 98 of the 100 Senators present, the majority voted in favor of the ERA.

Every Democrat and 2 Republicans (Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins) voted for the ERA. Every other Republican Senator voted NO!
(An interesting sidenote: Despite their “no” vote, not a single Republican Senator rose to speak against the ERA. Highly unusual and a sign they’re getting worried.)

The good – no, the great news—is that thanks to the procedural skill and pro-ERA enthusiasm of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer there will be additional opportunities to vote again in this same session of Congress .

Next Steps on the Road to Victory

Because of this another vote on the ERA could be taken again this session and we still have the opportunity to vote again this year.
So... help us seize the moment and send an email right now to your friends, family and colleague asking them to sign and return the ERA Petition right away. Please don’t delay. Here’s the link to send them. [[link removed]]

EVEN BETTER...we now have 98 Senators’ vote on record as being for or against the Equal Rights Amendment. So, even if we don’t win the vote in this session of Congress WE WILL MAKE THE ERA A TOP ISSUE IN THE 2024 ELECTIONS.

We will make clear that any 2024 candidate who stands against the ERA is a candidate who does not care about women’s rights, reproductive freedom, marriage equality and protection from sexual assault.

When you email your friends and colleagues to Sign the ERA Petition remind them that:

• The ERA will provide the constitutional basis to stop attacks on abortion and birth control. In short, the ERA is the most permanent protection possible—safe from the whims of anti-choice, anti-women, anti-equality courts.

• The ERA will enable passage of stronger laws for survivors of gender-based violence to hold their abusers accountable and that ERA is essential for achieving economic equality for women.

Again thank you for all your support and doing your part to keep our ERA momentum going and growing.

Let’s keep this snowball for our rights rolling and growing.

For equality and victory,

Ellie Smeal, President
Feminist Majority

Feminist Majority
1600 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22209
United States
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