![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, The anti-gun assault we just saw happen in Richmond, Virginia is set to come to Washington, D.C. After the white-hot fight over gun control last fall, Congress only took gun control off the table because of the fight over impeachment. Now it’s coming back. And there’s not a moment to lose. Gun-grabbers are more emboldened than ever. They see Virginia as the beachhead to DESTROY the Second Amendment and they’re dead set on RAMMING their anti-gun agenda into law at the federal level. I’m counting on patriots like you to step up and stop them. Won’t you please sign your DEFEND THE SECOND AMENDMENT DIRECTIVE right away? What really has me worried are the weak-kneed Republican politicians who’ve previously expressed support for various gun control proposals. Historically, they’re prone to collapse the closer it gets to election day. And November’s coming like a freight train. All it will take is some madman shooting up a “gun-free” zone and those same politicians will be clamoring to cut a “deal” and grant Big Government statists BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL powers to: >>> Seize law-abiding Americans’
firearms -- with ZERO DUE PROCESS -- through so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders; and >>> Create a Nationwide Gun Registration -- aka “Universal Background Checks”. . . . . . giving Government Goons the names and firearms of every single gun owner in the country. Our Second Amendment freedoms hang by a thread. And without your immediate action, I’m afraid the momentum is shifting in the gun-grabbers’ direction. The truth is, sick and senseless shootings are exactly what all the gun-grabbers and their pals in the national media salivate over. And when it happens, even politicians who habitually tell voters back home they “support the Second Amendment” seem to trip over one another to get in front of the media elite’s microphones. They declare they’ve “got the solution” to “keep us safe.” But you and I know better. Sadly, one thing is always missing from the politicians’ proposals: pro-gun reforms that could actually prevent another tragedy, such as repeal of so-called “gun-free” zones. You see, Fellow Patriot, gun control proposals aren’t really about preventing another murder spree by some madman. They’re about control. The Big Government statists know Americans’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is the ultimate roadblock to them imposing their tyrannical policies on you and me. So, the statists in BOTH parties are determined to not let any crisis go to waste. That’s why I need every single patriot to dig deep to help halt the statists’ assaults on our Second Amendment freedoms. I'm counting on you to help me make it 100% clear to ALL your elected officials there is no room for negotiation when it comes to our Second Amendment rights. Here’s what I need you to do: >>> First, please sign your DEFEND THE SECOND AMENDMENT DIRECTIVE
>>> Then, forward this message to all your pro-Second Amendment friends, family, and business associates. The best odds you and I will get to halt the anti-gun statists’ schemes come only with generating as much action as possible from an expanding number of liberty-loving patriots like you. >>> Dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to defend our Second Amendment freedoms! Our Second Amendment freedoms are at the very heart of the Liberty and freedom that so many Patriots fought and died for -- and now more than ever we must be vigilant. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Gun-grabbers are feeling emboldened by what we just saw in Richmond, Virginia and they’re now dead set on RAMMING their anti-gun agenda into law at the federal level. And with impeachment over, gun-grabbing politicians like Senators Lindsey Graham, Dianne Feinstein and all the other anti-gun statists are poised to renew the horse-trading over our Second Amendment freedoms. You and I must do everything we can to ensure we defend the Second Amendment. So please sign your DEFEND THE SECOND AMENDMENT DIRECTIVE and pitch in whatever you can afford right away! |