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What do we do when the rest of the world dumps the dollar?

  • Thursday night, April 27th, the LaRouche Organization?Fireside Chat featured Richard Freeman, who walked participants through Lyndon LaRouche's prescient 2000 paper entitled:? "Trade Without Currency". The link to listen to that presentation is included below.
  • Tonight, Friday night, April 28th, 8 pm EDT -- The Sare "New York Symposium" will? continue this discussion with Richard Freeman, who will field the questions that arise concerning how to create a new economic system, and how to measure its value.? Join my New York Symposium to participate!? ?Send in your questions!
Before the meeting, we encourage you to read LaRouche's paper, Trade without Currency, linked here.? ?LaRouche's 2000 paper was written following the crash of the "Asian Miracle" in 1997,? the Russian ruble in 1998, the hysterical mobilization to stop the collapse of the huge Long Term Capital Finance hedge fund in the United States in 1998, and the take down of the Glass Steagall bank separation bill in 1999.? ?The " bubble" tied to the Y2K story collapsed in 2000.? LaRouche had warned for years of the inevitability of a systemic financial collapse, since the US and world economies were increasingly being decoupled from physical production, and replaced by financial bubbles and bailouts.? Discussions for a move of economic blocs to replace the control of the dollar were already beginning.?LaRouche wrote his 2000 paper to outline a new measure of international trade, and how to tie that measure to increased physical productivity and the well-being of nations.? The discussion was stopped cold on September 11th, and the 9/11 era of continuous war and continuous bailouts began.?

Today,?many countries are barreling ahead to abandon the dollar, pressured through the insanity of sanctions, the seizure of other country's assets, and the drumbeat for nuclear war.? New economic alignments are coming into being, including the BRICS, the One Road One Belt, and more. What does this mean for the US?? Will the American population together with the rest of the world benefit from the?demise of the? London and Wall Street manipulated global dollar????What is the required new conception of value that must inform a new system?? How do we actually create a policy of peace through development?? Can we replace the insane forces that are pushing the bailouts towards a world war?? ?LaRouche's economic writings,? as described by Sergei Glazyev, are at the center of such debates.?


You can listen to the previous Thursday night discussion to prepare for Friday night's symposium!? The audio of that Thursday event is:? phone number 267-807-9607, Access Code 536662, and Ref. No. 447.? ?The graphics used by Freeman are included below. I also encourage you to?hear the discussions on this topic at the recent?Schiller Institute conference?entitled "Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet",?particularly Panel 3.

Join us!

Sare for Senate New York Symposium Friday night, April 28th at 8 pm: "LaRouche on Trade Without Currency in a Post-Dollar World"



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