The FDA can protect young people by removing menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars from the market
Tobacco and the environment
Tobacco doesn’t just negatively impact the health of individuals, it also endangers the environment. E-cigarette and cigarette waste can make its way into the environment where it pollutes water, air, and land with toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and residual nicotine. Read our fact sheet on tobacco and the environment, newly updated in honor of Earth Month.
18 more colleges and universities pledge to go tobacco/vape-free
Eighteen colleges and universities are working toward adopting a 100% tobacco/vape-free campus policy as the newest grantees of the Truth Initiative Tobacco/Vape-Free College Program. The program offers funding of up to $20,000 to colleges, universities, and college systems to support the adoption and implementation of a 100% tobacco/vape-free policy. Since 2015, 148 grantees have adopted tobacco- and vape-free policies, protecting more than 1.4 million students, faculty, and staff each year.
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