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I can’t believe I’m saying this, but did you know there’s a 1931 law on Michigan’s books that prohibits unmarried couples from living together?

And while Michigan Democrats are working to repeal this obsolete legislation, Republicans have made keeping it on the books at the top of their priority list.

Republicans prove time and again that they’re more focused on protecting the past than moving Michigan forward. Will you chip in $25 today to support me and like-minded Democrats who are focused on improving the future of our state?


The GOP will always choose to stir the pot instead of focusing on policies that would bring real change to our lives.

What if instead of stoking fear and division, they put their energy into passing stricter gun laws so we wouldn’t lose our loved ones to mass shootings?

Or what if they worked with Democrats to ensure nationwide access to affordable healthcare so we get the support we need?

But, you know me. I don’t care to play partisan games just for the sake of disagreeing. I just care about getting sh*t done for Michiganders, and I’ll be damned if I let Republicans distract me from what’s important.

I will always fight back against the GOP and stand up for Michiganders, but we’re falling behind on our end-of-month goal, and I can’t continue to push for progress without you. Will you chip in $25 or more today to help me defend Michigan?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Chip in $25
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Other Amount

– Haley


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Paid for by Haley Stevens for Congress

Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009