FOX NEWS: Mississippi’s Gubernatorial Race Is “Surprisingly Close”
John, things are heating up fast in Mississippi.
Major news outlets like Fox News, The New York Times, and Politico are reporting on how competitive this race is.
And we get why: Poll after poll shows that Brandon is within just single digits of Reeves. SINGLE DIGITS!
Help us build off this momentum by rushing a donation before our very first public filing deadline at the end of the month.
If you didn’t think we had a real chance of winning this thing, think again.
But it all comes down to you, John. Your support is what could help make or break our campaign moving forward.
Here’s why: The deadline for our first major public filing is in just two days, and then our numbers will be released for all to see (including Tate Reeves). If we fall short of our $52,000 online goal, we can kiss our momentum against Reeves goodbye.
Can we count on your contribution before our April 30th deadline?
Thanks for your support.
- Team Brandon
Brandon Presley for Mississippi