As I write to you today, hundreds of millions of hens are living out their days in battery cages in the United States. They’re confined so tightly they can’t stretch their wings, get a moment’s rest, or walk on solid ground. To the egg industry, hens like her mean nothing more than profits. But you and I know that she’s worth fighting for.
You might also know that we’ve set an unprecedented goal for this year. This is the year we spare 6,700,000 hens from battery cages. Because no animal deserves a life like this, and it’s time we dealt this cruel industry a truly historic blow. But that won’t happen—can’t happen—without you.
The first time I heard about this goal, I actually got chills. And a few seconds later, my mind started racing as the magnitude of it dawned on me. Are we ready to do this? Can we do this?
The answer is yes. And here’s what we need to do it.
☑️ A network of advocates like you around the country, poised to raise their voices for animals.
☑️ Plans for massive pressure campaigns against some of the world’s largest food companies.
☑️ An expert team of corporate negotiators, ready to meet with execs at a moment’s notice.
🟥 Enough sustained support from our monthly giving community, The Heart Beat, to take us to the finish line.

Vicky Bond
President |
P.S. You can learn more about the methodology behind this goal here. And whatever you’re able to give today—thank you. Together, we can do this.