Dear john,

As you may know, there is a growing movement of REI workers across the country organizing with UFCW to win union representation. Last August, REI Berkeley workers were the second store to organize, but unfortunately, REI decided to take away their 2022 yearly bonus that many REI workers rely on to live and work in the Bay Area.?


We ask you to sign on to the letter below, whether you are a co-op member, customer, or support workers' rights. Companies like REI state they are better than the rest; we must hold them to their word.


Sign the petition here:?


If you are in the area, please join us on May 2nd and 3rd?as we flyer customers at the Berkeley REI between 10am-6pm. Here's a?sign-up sheet?for May 2 and May 3. Please pass this on to your friends and networks. We all need to stand together to win, see you there!


In Solidarity,

California Labor Federation??