Dear John,
Recent News
Just four months after the Capitol has fully reopened its doors, I have seen a complete 180 in the halls of Congress. They are full of the American people! Families from all over the country, school groups learning about our great history, and groups coming in to speak with their Representatives!
I had the opportunity to speak with the Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership (TALL) Cohort. We spoke on the importance of Agriculture in our country and how food security should be a priority as we look toward Ukraine. It was great to see Thomas McNutt, from Corsicana, who is a member of the TALL Cohort!
I also spoke with some great representatives from the Texas Farm Bureau about the best way to support our farmers and ranchers throughout the country.

Towards the end of this month, I stopped by the Texas Society Breakfast to meet up with some of our fellow Texans that live here in Washington D.C. We had a great discussion about the importance of National Security regarding China and what we're doing in Congress to reduce national spending, strengthen our economy, and rebuild our workforce!
Bryan Chen, our Congressional App Challenge Winner for 2022, made the trip to Washington this month to showcase his app, Freebie
Bryan’s app Freebie helps its users find new homes for their unwanted or broken items. It also provides resources for its users to donate their items to organizations! The ingenuity our young people are remarkable.
I look forward to seeing what Bryan accomplishes in the future!
D.C. Update
This month, we have passed some great legislation that protects our communities and the Country!
H.R. 2811 – Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023
- H.R. 2811 will save the American people $4.8 trillion. It will reclaim the unspent COVID funds, defund the President’s 87,000 agents, repeal Green New Deal wasteful spending, and prohibit student loan bailouts while strengthening our economy and rebuilding our workforce.
H.R. 734 - Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 202
- H.R. 734 protects female athletes by clarifying that a recipient of federal education dollars violates Title IX’s prohibition against sex discrimination if the recipient operates, sponsors, or facilitates athletic programs or activities that allow men who identify as women to compete in women’s sports programs.
H. Res. 240 – Condemning recent actions taken by the Russian military to down a United States Air Force drone.
- Condemns the reckless actions taken by the Russian military to down a United States Air Force drone and reaffirms that the United States will not be deterred from operating drones in international airspace in the Black Sea region.
H.J. Res. 42 - Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022
- H.J. Res. 42 disapproves and nullifies the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022 (D.C. Act 24-781), enacted by the Council of the District of Columbia (DC). H.J. Res. 42, which follows statutorily required formatting as specified by the D.C. Home Rule Act, imposes untenable barriers that D.C. police officers must overcome and strips officers of their right to collectively bargain on disciplinary matters.
Some recent legislation I am Cosponsoring:
-H.R. 2717, To authorize the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation to establish a commemorative work on the National Mall to honor the extraordinary acts of valor, selfless service, and sacrifice displayed by Medal of Honor recipients.
-H.R. 2420, Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program Enhancement Act, to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to review the Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program and for other purposes.
-H.R. 2712, To enact into law the requirements of the Executive Order issued on September 22, 2020, relating to Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, to prohibit using Federal funds to carry out Executive Orders 13985, 14035, and 14091, and for other purposes.
District Update
Recently my district days have included visits and tours throughout Freestone, Anderson, and Cherokee counties. These visits have created the opportunity to meet city leaders, first responders, students, local business owners and residents.
I had a great time in Fairfield, getting to meet so many of you at our Coffee with your Congressman! Thank you so much to Dessert by MommaCakes for hosting us. I look forward to returning to Fairfield to meet more of our East Texas constituents.

Our communities continue to thrive because of all the small and large businesses that are making an investment in our area. If I have not had the opportunity, I would love to tour your business – call my Waxahachie office to set it up. You can reach us at (469) 550-7150
As the school year starts to wrap up, I want to say THANK YOU to all of our teachers and administrators for everything that you do for our students. Congratulations to our graduates – you did it! Be immensely proud of your accomplishments and all that is yet to come. If you have a graduate from TX-06 or know someone you would like to congratulate, contact my Waxahachie office for a Special Recognition Certificate.
Upcoming Events
Unfortunately, some cancelled flight home from D.C. meant we had to cancel our Mansfield Coffee with your Congressman. But I will reschedule soon! We have another Coffee with your Congressman on May 1st in Hillsboro, Texas. Make sure to come by and introduce yourself; I look forward to getting to know more of y’all in Hill County.
May 1 Coffee with Your Congressman in Hillsboro, TX
Texas District Offices:
Waxahachie Office 2001 Bates Dr. #100 Waxahachie, TX 75167
Main Line: (469) 550-7150
Corsicana Office 122 N. Beaton St. Corsicana, TX 75110
Main Line: (903) 602-7860
Washington, DC Office
Washington, DC Office 1721 Longworth House Washington, DC 20515
Main Line: (202) 225-2002
Walk with Jake

Walk with Jake content
Jake Ellzey
Member of Congress