We’re coming up on another critical fundraising deadline. Can you chip in? 

Our April fundraising deadline is rapidly approaching this Sunday at midnight. Before we dive into why this month’s goal is so important, can you chip in $27.13 or anything you can to support our work to protect the freedom to vote ahead of the 2024 election? We’ll explain the significance of $27.13 below.


Each month, our development team sets a target for how much we need to raise in order to invest in our programs that will protect the freedom to vote — through organizing, digital communications, political outreach and endorsements, voter protection, and more. Hitting our targets each month will keep us on pace to fully invest in each critical program. 

April has been a slower fundraising month, and we haven’t quite gotten to our target yet. Falling short of our target could mean that we’re not able to fully fund our programs, just when the 2024 contests are really starting to pick up this summer. 

$27.13 — just $27.13 — is our average donation right now. If enough supporters reading this email today pitch in $27.13, we’ll be able to get back on track. But we’re going to need a strong response to this email to hit this target, and your support is especially important right now because of the coordinated attacks by extremist Republicans to silence our voices. 

Republicans kicked off the start of this year by introducing over 370 voter suppression bills in 47 states across the country. These bills attempted to do everything from limit vote by mail ballot accessibility to criminalize election officials, and even increase the threshold required to successfully introduce ballot initiatives — a core part of our democracy and voting process.

This is what we’re up against and this is why we need to hit every single fundraising target — so we have the resources we need to compete with this extremist, anti-democratic movement and make sure the freedom to vote is protected across the country.  

As we get closer to what is shaping up to be another extremely consequential election in 2024, we need all hands on deck. So please chip in $27.13 right away towards our April fundraising goal.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

Chip in $5
Chip in $25
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $250

Thank you,

The Fair Fight Team