It is long past time for lawmakers to finally stand up and show their support for working people.
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Did you know that CEOs are making 270 times the wages of the average worker? This comes at a time of growing income and wealth inequality when hard-working U.S. families are having trouble covering their basic monthly expenses.
The solution: bolster labor unions and raise the pay of all working people.
The Protecting the Right to Organize (“PRO”) Act would take a major step forward in closing the income gap in this country―providing millions of working people with additional protections to organize and collectively bargain.
The House of Representatives is preparing to vote this week! Use this toll-free number to call your U.S. representative and tell them to vote YES on the PRO Act:
Suggested call script:
My name is _______. I live in [TOWN, STATE] and I’m a constituent of the Representative’s.
I am calling to ask Representative [NAME] to SUPPORT H.R.2474, the PRO Act.
The Protecting the Right to Organize Act would help ensure working families can earn a living wage, have healthy working conditions, and be part of a union that will fight for them.
Stronger unions are critical to rebuilding our middle class. That’s why I am calling to ask our representative in Congress to SUPPORT the PRO Act.
Thank you.
The research is clear and undeniable: Workers want unions. And there is a large and growing gap between the share of workers represented by a union and the share of workers who would like to have a union.
This important legislation would penalize employers that interfere with their employees’ organizing efforts; make clear that employers cannot interfere with employee unionization voting procedures; enhance support for worker strikes and boycotts; and close loopholes in federal employment and labor laws.
It is long past time for lawmakers to finally stand up and show their support for working people.
Call your U.S. representative today and urge them to vote YES on the PRO Act!
Thank you for fighting for stronger rights and wages of all working people.
In solidarity,
Thea Lee
President, EPI Policy Center
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