“Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.”
- Margaret Mead
Dear John,
In a world with so many seemingly impossible challenges, childhood hunger stands out as one problem we can solve. And I'm writing today to ask for your help.
We know the problem is solvable because childhood hunger in America has fallen by a third since we began this work in 2010. We've seen the impact small actions can have in getting food to hungry kids. And you've already been an important part of the solution.
But frankly, John, we need to do more, and we can't do it without you.
We—the mothers, fathers, teachers, chefs, bus drivers, mechanics, lawyers—must unite in a belief that all children deserve to have full bellies and reach their full potential. Please, help us move the
needle closer to a day when no child is hungry. Become a monthly donor today.
There's an ancient saying — “drop by drop makes the ocean.” You need to know that your generosity matters. Your monthly gift may not feed every hungry child, but over time your generosity will add up to feed many
As a monthly donor, you'll be joining the ranks of our most committed supporters... And you'll wake up every morning knowing that you're doing your part to end this unacceptable epidemic. |
We need to recruit 48
monthly donors this week to stay on track toward our bold, but achievable, goal. And with every $10 you donate providing as many as 100 meals for kids in need, you'll be adding a lot of drops to our ocean of change. |
I'm counting on you to join us on this important mission to end childhood hunger—one meal, and one donation, at a time. |

Amy Zganjar
Senior Vice President
P.S. A few caring people can indeed change the world. I've seen it with my own eyes. Will you step up and be part of that change by becoming a monthly donor today?