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Judicial Watch
Robert Mueller…

James Comey...

Andrew McCabe…

Judicial Watch Member, Judicial Watch has launched more than forty lawsuits against several government agencies to uncover communications by each of these individuals and other government officials to get to the truth about the Deep State targeting of President Trump.

Will you help us root out the Deep State and its operatives with your best contribution right away?

You and every American should be angry and genuinely frightened by what our nation is confronted with today as unelected elites within the government are working to invalidate our elections and control our government!

But with your help today, Judicial Watch will expose them through our expanding investigation, lawsuits and public education campaigns. Please help today!


Thomas Fitton
Judicial Watch, Inc.
425 Third Street SW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20024
©2018, All Rights Reserved
Judicial Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are received from individuals, foundations, and corporations and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.