From 10X IMPACT (Save the Children) <[email protected]>
Subject Join the thousands who are supporting children in need today >>
Date April 27, 2023 9:04 PM
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John, thank you in advance for joining the thousands of supporters who’ve had the impact of their gift multiplied 10x this April. Today, your gift can have ten times the impact for children facing threats to their lives and futures.

Make a $30 gift now to make a life-changing difference.

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As you read this, children in Ukraine, the Horn of Africa, and around the world are enduring unimaginable hardships. Whether it’s the threat of violence, devastating natural disasters or famine, millions of kids need all the support they can get – support made possible by your gift.

We’re reaching out today to ask you to join the thousands of champions for children who’ve made a gift that can have their impact multiplied 10x – and gifts made before tomorrow’s midnight deadline will count towards our $600,000 goal.

Please, before it’s too late, will you rush a donation of $30? The impact of your gift will be multiplied TEN TIMES for children so they can grow up healthy, educated and safe.

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Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children all around the world.

Save the Children

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(C) 2023 Save the Children Federation, Inc.
501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400 Fairfield, CT 06825

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  • Sender: Save the Children
  • Political Party: n/a
  • Country: United States
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