![]() Patriot, Last year, your efforts defeated a digital ID scheme they tried to slip into the National Defense Authorization Act. But now, Senators Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) are at it again. This time, it’s Senate Bill 884, and their scheme has already received a favorable passage through the bill committee and could be brought up on the Senate floor at any time. This bill will create a new federal bureaucracy, an “Improving Digital Identity Task Force,” that would design a grant program to bribe states to implement their digital ID scheme. States are always quick to accept millions in federal funds, and too often put the money over the best interests of their citizens. The bill also calls for the formation of a public-private partnership to bring this Digital ID system into being. The real goal, of course, is a single National ID system to track everything you do – and this is critical for all of their authoritarian schemes, from the Central Bank Digital Currency . . . to the vaccine passports . . . to social credit scores. If not a National ID, then it’s a Unique Patient Identifier or it’s REAL ID. But the desired result is to track your every movement and your every transaction . . . Tell your senators RIGHT NOW to OPPOSE the falsely-named “Improving Digital Identity Act”! Not only does S. 884 advance the authoritarian National ID scheme, but this bill would pave the way for a Central Bank Digital Currency, which would mean the end of what’s left of our financial freedom and privacy. The same people who are proposing a Central Bank Digital Currency are saying it could be used to control what people could buy with what they call “programmable money.” Remember when, last year, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell blamed inflation on the unvaccinated? “What did we get wrong? … believing ... everyone would
get vaccinated and the millions of people who dropped out of the labor force would come right back in and the wages wouldn’t be under such
pressure.” They believe all the problems they cause are your fault. They want to control how much you spend, how you spend it, and if need be, take away your ability to do so. But the Central Bank Digital Currency schemes all have one problem: First, they need a Digital ID. And that’s exactly what the Digital ID Bill, S. 884, would move forward. Let’s stop this dangerous bill before it takes one step further. Contact your senators RIGHT NOW to OPPOSE “Improving Digital Identity Act”! Be sure you speak out against this tyranny. Patriot, ultimately all of this is headed to a world where you and me (and everyone else) are enslaved to a few powerful elites with the means to monitor what we do, say, think, have or don't have in our bodies. That’s why it’s so critical we pressure Congress NOW and DEMAND our senators BLOCK this “Digital ID” legislation. Because you and I CAN stop this by speaking out. We’ve already defeated this bill once – let’s not let them take one inch. Here’s what I need you to do to bring their globalist scheme to a halt: 1) Sign your directive to Congress demanding your lawmakers
OPPOSE any Digital ID scheme, including S. 884. It only takes a moment, and we always redact your direct contact information in your sent directives. 2) Pass this message on to your fellow patriots, so we can keep more people informed and mobilized. 3) If you can, please make a generous contribution for the support we need in order to fight this globalist agenda. Campaign for Liberty uses your support not only to rally more patriots, but to mobilize and pressure key members of Congress, not just in Washington but in their home districts. This targeted strategy enables us to have far greater impact than your typical Washington “think tank”: we don’t just deliver petitions; we bring pressure and political pain. It’s a tactic that has worked to tremendous effect over the years. But there is strength in numbers, and we can’t do it without your support. So whether you can give $10, $100, $500, or $1,000 to help us keep up the fight, your support will make the difference. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director, Campaign for Liberty P.S. Piece by piece, globalists are working to bring the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset to the United States. Introducing a Digital ID is the first step toward creating a Central Bank Digital Currency which is all a part of Klaus Schwab’s plan. When the government controls your money, they win. You and I can prevent this dangerous Digital ID bill from coming to the Senate floor. Take a moment to tell Congress NOW: OPPOSE S. 844 and all other Digital ID schemes! And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
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