February 4, 2020
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February 4, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

February 4, 2020
FOX NEWS ? The Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) still has not reported official vote totals in the critical Iowa caucuses as of early Tuesday morning, in a largely unexplained and unprecedented delay that has raised questions about the legitimacy of the contest -- and Democratic campaign officials are livid, Fox News has learned.... (more)

February 4, 2020
'You do not know what you're talking about...who said that?'
ART MOORE ? Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden got testy with the "Today" show's Savannah Guthrie for confronting him about the conflict of interest in his son Hunter's position with a corrupt Ukrainian firm. Biden charged in an interview aired Monday that Guthrie didn't know what she was talking about as she pressed him on an arrangement that "seems kind of sleazy" to many people.... (more)

February 4, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? President Trump called Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders a "communist" in an interview that aired Sunday. "I think he's a communist. I mean, you know, look, I think of communism when I think of Bernie," the president told Sean Hannity in a pre-Super Bowl interview on Fox News.... (more)

February 4, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Sean Hannity, host of 'Hannity', previews his pre-game interview with President Trump on 'Fox and Friends.'... (more)

February 4, 2020
DAILY CALLER ? Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Friday stared down California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris while she was laughing on stage during a press conference regarding the impeachment of President Donald Trump.... (more)

February 2, 2020
JOE KOVACS ? Broadcast legend Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer, the talk-radio giant announced during his Monday broadcast. "I have to tell you something that I wish I didn't have to tell you. And it's a struggle for me because I had to inform my staff earlier today" Limbaugh somberly said.... (more)

February 2, 2020
Mild language advisory
YOUTUBE ? Sen. Lindsey Graham stops by to walk us through how Mitch McConnell got 51 votes to stop further witnesses. But Senator Cruz knows a lot could happen between now and acquittal.... (more)

February 2, 2020
'Religion is being driven out of the marketplace of ideas'
WORLDNETDAILY ? "Militant secularists" across America long have charged that religious people are "imposing" their views on them. But it's actually the other way around, contended Attorney General William Barr in an interview with Cardinal Timothy Dolan on Sirius XM. "I feel today religion is being driven out of the marketplace of ideas and there's a organized militant secular effort to drive religion out of our lives," Barr told Dolan, the Federalist reported.... (more)

February 1, 2020
Nation's 'recaptured sovereignty' occurs amid parties and protests
WORLDNETDAILY ? The United Kingdom officially left the European Union on Friday, and the occasion was marked by both celebrations and protests across the country. An hour before the official Brexit countdown clock hit zero, Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation with a statement released on social media, where he urged the country to come together and seize the opportunities made available by the UK's "recaptured sovereignty."... (more)

February 1, 2020
McConnell: No need for Senate to
re-open investigation which House chose to conclude
THE HILL ? Senate Republicans rejected a mid-trial effort to call witnesses and documents on Friday, paving the way for President Trump's acquittal on two articles of impeachment passed by the House. Senators voted 49-51, with Republican Sens. Mitt Romney (Utah) and Susan Collins (Maine) breaking ranks to join Democrats in voting for witnesses. Fifty-one votes were needed to approve witnesses.... (more)

February 1, 2020
Dems' behavior a 'three-year-long, never ending temper tantrum'
YOUTUBE ? Tonight, the witch hunt – the Schumer Schiff sham show – is, for the sake of the country, thankfully over.... (more)

February 1, 2020
Bemused Trump team, staffers watch him outrun colleague to Senate well
WORLDNETDAILY ? When House impeachment managers were asked Thursday night to give a closing argument, lead manager Rep. Adam Schiff rose from his seat, but Rep. Jerry Nadler beat him to the well of the Senate as the California Democrat called out "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry."... (more)

February 1, 2020
YOUTUBE ? PolitiZoid: 'Schiff Hits the Fan' – spoof of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, starring Adam Schiff... (more)

January 30, 2020
SELWYN DUKE ? A common belief among conservatives is that Democrats have blundered in their impeachment trial argumentation, that they've shot themselves in the foot. Perhaps so. But we should remember that their goal cannot, logically, be to win over the Senate so President Trump can be ousted from office before November.... (more)

January 30, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? How is it that a communist, for all practical purposes, is winning in the Iowa caucuses at present? If there is anything that history shows repeatedly, it is that socialism, including its more violent form, communism, is an utter failure by every criterion imaginable.... (more)

January 30, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? We've seen it happen before. There was Brett Kavanaugh, attacked relentlessly and shamelessly with scurrilous, unfounded, and uncorroborated accusations from decades ago. Then there was Judge Roy Moore, again ambushed with defamatory and manufactured accusations from decades ago, all of which fell apart on closer examination. For the past three plus years, regressives have been trying to politically decapitate the president of the United States using the same sleazy tactics.... (more)

January 30, 2020
Wrap up of Jan. 30 proceedings
YOUTUBE ? The president has every reason to be glad and happy, because it's about to be game over. Chuck Schumer said the Democrats do not have the votes to keep this going any longer. Today, he said it would be an uphill fight to call additional witnesses.... (more)

January 30, 2020
REAL CLEAR POLITICS ? President Trump tweets a video of a Radio Free Europe interview with then-National Security Adviser John Bolton describing President Trump's call with Ukraine President Zelensky as cordial. "I will be meeting President Zelensky. He and President Trump have already spoken twice. The president called to congratulate President Zelensky on his election and on his success in the parliamentary election," Bolton said in August 2019.... (more)

January 30, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Question: "Did the President's Tweets about John Bolton help or hurt him?" Meadows: "Look, the media each and every day is going to critique every single Tweet that the President puts out, and try to be the jury, whether it helps or not..."... (more)

January 30, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The Senate continues the impeachment trial of President Trump. U.S. lawmakers and impeachment managers will take questions on the Senate floor as the trial enters its eighth day.... (more)

January 30, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee took Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah to task, accusing the one-time GOP presidential nominee of only caring about himself, and not the good of the country.... (more)

January 30, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? Sen. Rand Paul is not happy about impeachment, particularly when it comes to rhetoric involving who's making money off of access to power. The libertarian-leaning Republican from Kentucky appeared Tuesday on Fox News, the same day that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer held a news conference in which he accused both Donald Trump and his children of making money off of the presidency.... (more)

January 29, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The European Union grudgingly let go of the United Kingdom with a final vote Wednesday at the E.U.'s Parliament that ended the Brexit divorce battle and set the scene for tough trade negotiations in the year ahead.... (more)

January 28, 2020
Trump's legal team eviscerates Dems' articles of impeachment
BITCHUTE ? Finally, the adults are up to bat, and they are absolutely eviscerating the Schumer Schiff Sham Show. Finally, the truth is being told, finally.... (more)

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