John, The woke mind virus is spreading rapidly across the
country, and nowhere is the contagion more prevalent than on our college campuses, even in Texas.
Case in point: West Texas A&M University President Walter
Wendler is under fire from liberal professors and faculty members who condemned him via a no-confidence vote after he canceled a drag show on
campus last month. President Wendler said in an email to students and faculty that drag shows "stereotype women in cartoon-like extremes for the
amusement of others" and undermine the dignity of people "created in the image of God." |
West Texas A&M is located outside Amarillo and is a taxpayer-funded university. As such, they owe it to Texas
taxpayers to foster an environment conducive to learning and educational excellence. President Wendler explained his reason for the cancellation,
saying his decision was based on standing up for women and preserving human dignity on campus: "I believe every human being is created in
the image of God and, therefore, a person of dignity. Does a drag show preserve a single thread of human dignity? I think not."
Now we want to hear from you: Do you believe President Wendler was correct
in canceling the drag show on campus? Share
your thoughts by answering our survey! |
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P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |