Hi there,
It’s Jon Bon Jovi, and today is my friend (and yours) Cory’s birthday!
I’ve known Cory for years, and today while he’s working on behalf of New Jerseyans and all Americans in the Senate, I wanted to have as many people as possible sign his birthday card.
Cory and I became close over the years because we are passionate about so many of the same things, like providing housing for those in need, our belief in the power of music, and of course our beloved home state of New Jersey!
In that time I’ve seen firsthand the power of Cory’s message of unity and love, and how it can nourish our souls. Today I want each of us, friend, to send some of that inspiration, and love, back to him.
It would mean so much to me, friend, if you signed Cory’s birthday card today. He gives so much love and passion to the issues that matter most to all of us, and before the end of the day I want all of us to share some of our love with him. His team let me know they’ll share it with him with every single person who signed.
Cory has always been inspired and awed by your support, so I know how moved he will be to see all of those.
I am so grateful for you,