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CHBA National
Join CHBA CEO Kevin Lee as he hosts the Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister responsible for CMHC, for a one-on-one sit-down to discuss the new first-time buyer incentive program, housing affordability, housing supply, and more.
This interactive session will feature the Minister answering questions not only from Kevin, but from members from coast to coast. So please submit your questions and register now.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
9-10:30A.M. PST
Register Here
Registration is now open! Learn more about the 2019 Summit, taking place from October 9-11 in Vancouver. Attend all three days and earn up to 22.5 CPD points.
There will be a tradeshow on October 9. If you are interested in participating as an exhibitor, please contact Laura Chok at [email protected].
CHBA BC has been a trusted Service Organization for over a decade, delivering such programs as EnerGuide, Energy Star, R2000 and the CHBA Net Zero Home Labeling program. Our list of Energy Advisors continues to grow and we invite you to contact someone in your area to assist you with your labeling needs!
For more information about Energy Advisors and to find one near you, visit:
Georgie's Corner
The 2020 Georgie Awards Call for Entries is open. Read the requirements and learn more at
Tip of the Week: If you are planning to enter the Best Custom Home category, why not enter the Kitchen, Master Suite, Any Room, or Best Outdoor Space categories as well? Review all categories here.
Sponsorship: Consider participating as a sponsor for the 2020 Awards! It is a great way for your company to get noticed. For more details contact Laura Chok at [email protected].
Upcoming Webinar: If you missed the first webinar, sign up today for August 14 with Martin Knowles and Susan Boyce and learn some tips for your entries. Register at |
BCIT and the City of Vancouver are co-hosting the Ecocity World Summit in October. It is a biennial event involving over 1,000 delegates from around the world. The first Summit in this series was held in Berkeley, USA in 1990. Ecocity Builders, a nonprofit corporation, has since been convening Summits in different locations around the globe such as Abu Dhabi, UAE in 2015 and Melbourne, Australia in 2017. Learn more at
Advocacy Update
Water Sustainability Act: CHBA BC and member representatives met with Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Selina Robinson and Minister of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resources Operations Doug Donaldson in early June to discuss the Water Sustainability Act and the existing backlog for section 11 approvals. CHBA BC recently followed up on the results of that meeting and have been advised of several processing improvements to address the backlog, including staff re-assignments from other regions, overtime authorizations, additional funding for cross-training and more staff from other authorization sections, and other process efficiencies. In addition, a review may take place for certain types of water courses, such as farmer's ditches, to improve the process. Staff have requested that builders with an application should respond to questions from staff as soon as possible, to help applications move forward in the process.
CHBA BC recognizes the impact these approvals are having and is working in tandem with Homebuilders Association Vancouver to provide solutions to the provincial government. CHBA BC will provide further updates on this file as they are available.
New consultation on single-use plastics: The provincial government announced a new consultation to solicit feedback on plastic pollution in B.C. Public feedback will be considered from July 25 until September 18, and CHBA BC intends to submit to this consultation. A report will be published in late 2019, with a regulatory framework expected before early next year. Learn more about the consultation here. If you have feedback on this engagement, email us!
For more advocacy news, view the July Advocacy Update. |
Township of Langley
The Township of Langley presents a series of Energy Step Code Demonstration Home tours and workshops. Sign up for one of four seminars taking place from August 20-27 at Sessions include High Performance Ducting, Mid-Construction Blower Door Test Workshop, Compliance with the BC Energy Step Code, and Building Inspector Step Code workshop. Space is limited!
Register for all courses at
Building Science for New Homes in Burnaby - September 17 & 18, 2019. Register by August 6.
Business Planning & Management in Burnaby - September 19, 2019. Register by August 8.
Construction Law in Nanaimo - September 20, 2019. Register by August 9.
Building Science for New Homes in Kamloops - September 27 & 28, 2019. Register by August 16. |
Victoria News
B.C.’s worker compensation system pulled itself out of an unfunded liability onto a solid financial footing after changes made in 2002, and now employers, injured workers and their families are waiting for the next overhaul.
Commentary: CHBA BC submitted to this consultation as part of a joint business community submission. The results are expected this Fall.
CHBA National
Three in four Canadians think when you are middle class you should be able to own a home, and 94 per cent of Canadians own their home or want to (Earnscliffe Strategy Group for CHBA). For younger people, it’s their biggest concern: 64 per cent of millennials consider housing affordability their top issue for the federal government, according to a recent poll by Abacus Data (for CREA).
Young Canadians are concerned for good reason. Well-qualified, well-employed individuals and families are being squeezed out of homeownership. The federal, provincial and municipal governments have regulatory and policy levers that can improve affordability now, and over the long term.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8