The 2023 legislative session has mercifully come to an end. After months of legislative Democrats making
decisions in secret, shutting out their Republican colleagues and the public in general, we now have more insight into what was happening behind those
closed doors.
The answer? A whole lot of far-left shenanigans – and downright incompetence.
Democrats managed to blow through a whopping $1
billion-plus from the state’s new income tax and cap-and-tax scheme which didn’t exist when the session began, handed out another billion
dollars in pay raises to state union employees, and again passed legislation preventing police from pursuing car thieves.
But –
beyond even these unfortunate liberal priorities – Democrats created a rather large drug problem, even though as even the Seattle Times noted,
“WA Democrats, you had one
Legislative Democrats failed to pass a fix to the state’s drug possession law, which they initially rushed through in 2021
after the so-called Blake decision by the State Supreme Court negated the state’s drug possession laws. Due to Democrats’
incompetence, drug possession in our state – including hard drugs like heroin and fentanyl – will now be fully legal by
July. Even Democrat State Representative Monica Stonier noted her party’s failure when she admitted it
meant “defecation on the streets, needles in our parks, all of the things that we have heard about that we fear, will be
Democrats control both the State Senate and House. Only Democrats could have passed a meaningful remedy to the Blake
decision. They did not.
But the facts did not stop Gov. Jay Inslee from blaming Republicans for the failure. Sunday night, Inslee and House Speaker
Laurie Jinkins pointed the finger at Republicans for the Democrats’ own drug deal going bad. And mainstream media outlets let them get away with
be clear – Democrats have a drug problem. They do not take problems which their policies have created – like
increasing public drug use and overdoses -- seriously. They do not take issues that directly correlate with drug use – like mental health and
homelessness – seriously.
Something has got to change.
We here at Shift WA are dedicated to ushering in that change by ensuring voters know
what’s really going on in Olympia and local communities. We are the only online outlet that highlighted the Legislature’s need to take
action on fixing the Blake decision at the very beginning of session – while warning of the Democrats’ probable inaction because of their
party’s preference for legalization of hard drugs.
Mainstream media outlets will continue to cover for Democrats – they will not hold Democrats accountable for their
absurd lies. Our state needs Shift WA.
Thank you,
The Shift WA