John, as millions of children in Türkiye, Syria, Ukraine and around the world face compounding hardships like conflict, hunger, poverty and natural disasters, we cannot afford to waste this opportunity:
Today, thanks to our ability to leverage government grants, your gift can have 10x the impact for children like 15-year-old Hatem.* Make a $30 gift now and the impact of your gift can be multiplied 10x.
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Hatem was already growing up during a civil war in Syria. Then, February’s devastating earthquakes destroyed his family’s home, making a dire situation even worse. They were trapped in the rubble for hours before they were rescued. With the support of champions for children like you, we provided Hatem’s family with temporary shelter amid the destruction – but their future remains uncertain.
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No child deserves to live through conflict, let alone face the consequences of violence and natural disaster at the same time. Kids like Hatem – and countless others enduring unimaginable hardships outside of their control – urgently need all the support we can provide.
Your gift can have 10 times the impact to help us provide critical resources and care to children across the globe. Please, rush a $30 gift now and your impact can go 10x as far to help children get the immediate and long-term support they need and deserve.
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Thank you for everything you do to create change that lasts a lifetime for the children who need it most.
Save the Children
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(C) 2023 Save the Children Federation, Inc.
501 Kings Highway East, Suite 400 Fairfield, CT 06825
Photo: Hurras // Save the Children
*Names changed for protection
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