From Team Foushee <[email protected]>
Subject Public Schools First
Date April 26, 2023 8:51 PM
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From book bans to defunding public schools, it’s clear the Republican party does not have the best interests of working families.

As a lifelong public servant and former schools board member, Valerie knows firsthand how valuable an accessible public education is for North Carolina families.

Three years after the start of the pandemic, public schools and public school teachers are still struggling to receive adequate resources. The Republican party’s platform to divert funds to private schools will only further disenfranchise working families here in North Carolina and across the country.

John, we need to make it clear to the Republican party that public schools need more funding, not less.

Valerie is working every day to make sure working families are prioritized. But she can’t do it without you.

We need [25] grassroots contributions to show Republicans our strength. Will you chip in $5to make sure Valerie has the support she needs to advocate for equal access to public education?

CONTRIBUTE $5 ([link removed])

CONTRIBUTE $10 ([link removed])

CONTRIBUTE $25 ([link removed])

CONTRIBUTE $50 ([link removed])

OTHER AMOUNT ([link removed])

Thanks for your support,

Team Foushee

Paid for by Foushee for Congress
Valerie Foushee for Congress
PO Box 16446
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
United States

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