? Gov. Whitmer Makes Appointments to the Bench ? ? LANSING, Mich. ? Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the appointments of Julie Gafkay to the 10th Circuit Court (Saginaw County), and David Glancy?to the Lake County Probate Court.? ? ?Julie and David are experienced legal professionals with decades of experience who will faithfully uphold the rule of law,? said Governor Whitmer. ?I am proud to appoint them to the bench in Saginaw and Lake County, respectively, where I know they will ensure equal justice for all.?? ? 10th Circuit Court ? Saginaw County ? Julie Gafkay owns a law firm?in Saginaw County?specializing in litigation including civil rights, employment discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, Whistleblowers? Protection Act, and personal injury. She was also an adjunct professor?at?Saginaw Valley State University and an instructor in employment law at the National Business Institute. She has served as president of the Saginaw County Bar Association and Women Lawyers Association of Michigan.?She has been honored extensively by various bar associations, including the Saginaw County Bar Association and most notably by the State Bar of Michigan with the Champion of Justice award.? ? Ms. Gafkay earned her bachelor's degree from?James Madison College at?Michigan State University and juris doctorate from Whittier Law School.?? ? ??I thank Governor Whitmer for making a career-long dream come true. I will respect and fairly apply the law to everyone who comes into my courtroom,? said Julie Gafkay. ?I understand what an honor and privilege I have been given to serve and promise to make the Governor and the people of Saginaw County proud of my appointment to the Saginaw County Circuit Court.?? ? This appointment was made to fill a partial term following the resignation of Judge Janet Boes. Ms. Gafkay?s term will commence on May 15, 2023 and expire at twelve o?clock noon on January 1, 2025.??? ? ? Lake County Probate Court? David Glancy is a civil and criminal trial attorney and has been a Magistrate and Friend of the Court Referee with the Lake County Trial Court since 2021. Before this, he was an associate attorney at The Running Wise Law Firm and Nicholson & Krusniak where he represented clients in general civil, criminal and family matters. He also owned and managed the Glancy Law Office for 10 years.? ? Mr. Glancy earned his bachelor's degree from Hope College and juris doctorate from Michigan State University College of Law.? ? ?I am humbled and honored to receive Governor Whitmer's appointment to the Lake County Trial Court bench.? I am committed to upholding the law and ensuring each case is decided in fair and impartial manner,? said David Glancy. ?I look forward to continuing my work and service for the people of Lake County.?? ? This appointment was made to fill a partial term following the resignation of Judge Mark Wickens. Mr. Glancy?s term will commence on May 8, 2023 and expire at twelve o?clock noon on January 1, 2025.? ? ? Judicial appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.? ? ?? ###? ?