From waging culture wars to shielding Donald Trump, House Republicans are doing everything they can to avoid actually having to govern — all the more reason why taking back the House next year is mission critical.
As the only Kentucky Democrat in the House, defending this seat is absolutely necessary in our fight to retake the House majority. Can I count on you to have my back and chip in a quick $25 to help me do that?
Here’s a quick rundown of everything House Republicans have “accomplished” since taking control:
They took 15 rounds of voting to select a Speaker — the longest vote since 1855.
They’ve launched sham investigations into President Biden and his family.
They’ve launched efforts to shield and protect Trump from the consequences of the January 6th Insurrection.
And right now, they’re threatening to blow up the global economy unless they’re allowed to make massive cuts to government programs that save lives.
If House Republicans have actually accomplished anything, it’s showing us that they’re unfit to govern. Will you chip in $25 to my campaign so we can keep KY-03 blue and flip the House?
Morgan McGarvey
